Blog from Spanish volunteer Andrea


Hi everyone, this is Andrea! It's amazing how fast time goes, isn't it? I landed in Gothenburg 9 months ago and there are barely a few days before I go back to Spain. In all these months, I have learned a lot about Sweden and its culture, volunteer projects, work in youth centers ... but above all, I have learned from my co-workers how to create and maintain a good work environment, how to relate to neighborhood kids and create fun activities for them.Not everything has been good, especially in winter, I missed the sun a lot, but you can learn from everything and I feel very grateful and lucky to have been able to live such a special and unique experience. At every moment I have done my best to help my work mates, inspire the kids and make Fjället the special place that everyone loves.Finally, one of my favorite moments was the farewell dinner with all the co-workers. The positive vibes that were experienced were wonderful, I felt very fortunate to have been able to be part of this great family. I take with me a bit of all the people with whom I have shared these months, thanks for the support and affection and I wish the best for Fjället and all the staff.Hi everyone this is Tiko! After 9 month I am leaving Sweden with different experiences and stories. To be in Sweden was quite challenging for me especially in winter, but at the same time it was interesting to see and experience the Swedish culture, the environment and the work place.I have learned a lot from this year and I am very grateful for all of the staff who supported me and showed me how to communicate with kids and how to create a nice atmosphere for them. One of the last pleasant moments here was kick-off & farewell dinner with staff with full of positive energies and gratitude between each other and I hope Fjället will continue to be this kind of Youth center for a long time! 

I will miss you and wish you all the best! /Andrea

#europeansolidaritycorps #europeiskasolidaritetskåren #youthassociationdroni

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