Loneliness: Tips, Personal Experiences and General Thoughts by Loukas

Loneliness can be tough, and it's something most people feel at some point. The first step is to remind yourself that it's okay to feel this way—it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. Try reaching out to someone, even if it's just a quick message to say hello. Sometimes, a small connection can make a big difference. Friends, family, colleagues, whoever you feel safe with.
If meeting new people sounds overwhelming, think about doing something you enjoy where others are involved—like a class, a hobby group, or even volunteering. You're more likely to find people you click with when you share interests. Sharing a personal experience, volunteering In Erasmus Social Network was my way to start making friends and get to others, in a totally new country. It was so scary to sleep in a country country knowing that you have 0 friends around but I found my way to cope with it!
It's also important to be kind to yourself. Loneliness can bring on self-doubt, but try not to believe everything your inner critic says. Take care of yourself, do things that make you happy, and remember that being alone doesn't mean you're unworthy of connection. Temporarily, many people have experienced or are going to experience feelings of loneliness.
And if the feeling lingers or gets too heavy, talking to a therapist can really help. There's no shame in getting support. Everyone needs a little help sometimes. You're not alone, even if it feels that way right now—there are always ways to reconnect.
Talking about myself, I am talking to a therapist twice a month and I use the services of ungdomsmottagning! There are many days in the adult life that you feel lonely and desperate, bored or just grey. But establishing a rich daily life with activities, a nourishing night routine and maintaining your favourite hobbies will help you get through this.
We in Fjället strive for fighting loneliness and making great company with each one of you. As a kid I didn't have friends so I really get it how tough can it be to start from somewhere and not just let yourself stay in this situation. We are all here to listen and advice (or just listen) and I can personally guarantee that there are no stupid questions, stupid thoughts or irrelevant topics. All of you matter so much for us and we are thankful to have you every day! :)