New beginning

Hej! it´ s Andrea, a spanish girl discovering Sweden. All this adventure started a year ago, when I decided to be an international volunter. I was finishing my university degree in Murcia, in the southeast os Spain, when needed a change, a completly 360 degree turn.
I was looking for opportunities for a lot of months, but finally I found Kooperativet Fjället and i send them an application (well, I actually sent it to Sara´ s email because the web was not working hahaha) and they choose me for some reason and I cannot feel more thankfull for that.

The first days were the most confused ones, because I was in a new country with new people and another different language and culture, but after all I started to know how to move in the city, how to do everything by myself.
Actually, I am a person who does not really like the changes, I use to feel scared when I have to face something new, but now It is compleatly different, I am starting to love what will tomorrow bring me. I learned too that if you do not try you cannot know if you will like it, so here I am trying and trying everyday.
I use to like to be alone and to spend time with myself, but I also love to share everyting with company, so I try to know new people and to make plans with them. Here people are so cozy and I feel in calm and peace. The enviroment is very comfortable.

At Fjället I am helping the kids with their homework on Tuesdays, cleaning, going to school and encouraging the kids to come and have fun at the youth centre, along with some brochures with all the information, as well as interacting with the children. On the rest of the days, participate in the activities and help organize the girls' night.
The kids teach me a lot about the language and their countries, since most of them come from immigrant families and I can learn about different cultures, as well as their typical dances and new words.
The days here are very educational with the children and we always try to make them learn something new every day.
Part of my job here is to help with the tasks carried out at the youth center, as well as the workshops and activities, whether with games, conversations and discussions about important topics, such as values, gender identity and respect to everyone regardless of your religion, gender or sexual orientation, ensuring that we all treat each other the same and learn to love differences.
I use to feel very scared of make mistakes, but I am learning about how to deal with it, I realized that I need to make them and not to do everything in the perfect way. People here help me a lot and it is very easy for me, so thank you all.
I do not know what it´ s going to happen tomorrow, but I really want to live it.
Andrea Méndez xx