One month later..

Do you ever wonder what you'll be up to one month from now?I usually do and it's fun to trace back what you did to see how much reality differs from what you might have expected.It's been a month since I came in Sweden as an European Solidarity Corp, time flew way too fast but I guess that's the way it is when you have a good time.
In week 42(yes in Sweden they schedule things based off weeks) I went in Stockholm for a on-arrival training for ESC volunteers, I stayed in the city with 17 other youths who came in sweden around the same time as I did, we did a lot of activities to know each others, to explore the city and to know general things about this country such as the lagöm concept, which literally means moderation/just enough, it's basically the generalized swedish view from a foreigner.
Most of the time we were at Bromma folkhögskola from what I understood it's either a school for adults, music school, art school or all of them, we got the chance to get a glimpse of how students go to school in this country, and it has been a pleasure to enjoy Fjka with them, are you wondering what is this "Fjka" I just wrote about? Well it's essentially a glorified break, for good reasons tough, Fjka is part of the culture and it's a part(s) of the day where you socialize with your colleagues while enjoying hot beverage accompanied by sweets, usually cinnamon buns.

In week 44 fall break came and the kids got to experience different kinds of activities outside fjället, from the theater to gökboet, a place where you can play a lot of takeshi's castle kind of games, they also got to go to Liseberg which is one of the biggest amusement parks in Scandinavia, useless to say that they had a blast, seeing me screaming more than them combined must've been merely part of it.

In this week we hosted a presentation of Fjället for an "international mixed group" to be honest this is the best way I can describe them, they were in pairs from many different countries: Italy, Portugal and Poland; they were particolarly amazed by how Swedish manages youth centers, budgets and so on; I got my time to shine explaining briefly what ESC is as a program, my experiences so far and my expectations for the future, at some point during Fjka some of them fought over me(jokingly of course).
Overall I was blessed with a good month full of adventures, many of which I didn't even get to mention since last thing I want is bore you to death.
I'm looking foroward to what the future has in reserve for me, thanks for reading and Vi ses(See you later).
Yours truly Nel Cipriano.